Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store

Your Android Phone and What “Your Phone” Can Do for You!

A little over two years ago I wrote about an app that allowed you to text from your PC, through your Android phone. It had a few other neat features and a couple of limitations. It was named Visit this link if you wish to reread it: It is still a nice app; however, in my opinion, I may have discovered one a bit better that has no limits. And no, believe it or not, it is not made by Google but by one of our other close friends with Microsoft.

It is called, “Your Phone” and you will need three things to make it work. First, a free Microsoft email account (,,, next, the “Your Phone” app on your PC, and finally the app on your Android phone.

Your Phone” has been available on Windows 10 starting with the October 2018 Update (version 1809). Check by clicking the start menu button and typing, “your phone” and click it if you have it. If you do not see it you will need to go to the MS Windows. Again, click on the Windows start menu button and search for “windows store.” Go to that and search for “your phone” and download it from there.

Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store
Your Phone in the MS Windows Store

I will not tell you how to install it here as it would take a bit of space; however, MS has done a good job of it for you here: The Microsoft Windows Community is a good place to find out things like this.

Why install Your Phone?

What this app does is link your Android (only) phone and PC to allow them to interact. Like me and a bazillion other people out there, you may work on a PC all day. During the day your phone vibrates, makes a noise, or however, you have it set to notify you of a text message. You stop what you are doing and get your phone, read the text, and reply.

With “Your Phone” you get notified on your PC of that same text if you set up notifications on your PC for them. You click in the box, read the message, and start typing your reply. On your computer! You can leave the phone out of the picture and for me anyway, type much faster and in more detail with your computer’s keyboard. Send the message and the other person will see no difference other than likely fewer typos. They can reply back to you and visa-versa until you finish your conversation. And if you are getting ready to leave the office you may pick up the texting where you left off by switching to your phone.

Another feature which not everyone may need is phone calls. If you have a microphone and speakers on your computer or a headset with both you can make and receive calls on your PC. If you set the “Your Phone” app for that it works quite well. However, you have to complete the call on your PC if that is where you started it. It does not switch to your phone as texting does…yet.

Your Phone” will also allow you to display recent photos you have taken on your Android phone. The default is the most recent 2,000 photos will be transferred from your phone to your PC. However, you may lower that number in “Your Phone” Settings.

I think this app is well worth the money and more. By-the-way it is free (one of my favorite words).

Your Phone Screen on Ron's PC
Your Phone on Ron’s PC

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