I know that the last column I wrote said it was the end of the Windows 10 Tips series and I did not intend to lie. However, something I said last time caused a few emails that I thought I would mention here. Also, some new information on getting a copy of Windows 10 for most previous modern versions of Windows.

The emails I received from several readers all saying pretty much the same thing, “I got it for $ online at…” The “$” means less than what I quoted from Microsoft. Jim told me that he got it for less than $30 from eBay. He indicated it was good and he told me that he even got a “Certificate of Authenticity” which you need to license it. It even included a moneyback guarantee and his two computers apparently work fine. I am happy for Jim and the others who made good deals. However, in my opinion, I would not do this. Feel free to disagree.  As I said last time, “buyer beware.”

COA, Blurred on purpose

If you go for a less expensive copy you “could” be getting an illegal copy (which has its own inherent problems) or a hacked copy. If you have a hacked copy it could contain something in the programming that could compromise your computer and/or its security. I searched online and found one deal where you can download a Certificate and your license key for $5. Legal copies of MS Windows 10 do not have a downloadable key for you to register with. Great price, but again, I would not touch it.

All of that being said there is another option I stumbled on a week or so ago.  Microsoft is still allowing free upgrades which were supposed to have stopped in July 2016. However, according to CNET (a reputable site), dblclx.com/W10free, it is still available for free. It is a little convoluted to set up but it appears to be legal, approved by Microsoft, not hacked and trustworthy. If you need to upgrade from an older version of Windows to 10…I suggest you do it as quickly as possible there. Who knows how long this deal, that should have stopped three years ago, will last.

Also, be careful out there. Most every application is available at a discount price and every one of them could be a problem. More than you may want to or need to deal with.

Now do not get too upset if you bought a less expensive version online. Like Jim, you may be absolutely fine. But I have seen many versions on “inexpensive” software that have had hacks in them.

Back in the mid-1990s even I bought one. Someone recommended to me a cheap version of Microsoft Publisher. I think it cost around $15 instead of $125. Publisher is still in production today. At that time it came with many free graphics which were all line drawings (tech was low end then). There were symbols, signs, shapes, animals, people and other pics; it seemed to work fine. Until one day I found a miscellaneous folder in the people section. What to my wondering eyes did appear? Hundreds of naked people in various compromising positions. No, I did not keep it and do not have a copy for you to look at!

Like I said before, “Buyer beware!

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