This will be the last in the Windows 10 Tips Series. Last week we looked at a few more shortcut keys and information about regularly updating Windows to remain safer online.

First today, the show desktop button (at least what it was called in Windows 7). If you look to the bottom right corner to the farthest area from the time, there is a small vertical rectangle. Hover your mouse over it and it will “magically” allow you to see your desktop behind your open programs. Move your mouse off of it and the invisible windows come back. Click it and all open windows will minimize. Then click it again and they will come back or you can bring them back individually by clicking them in the taskbar.

Problems with Windows 10? Rare in my experience, but it could happen. Try this to help resolve your issue. Click the Windows start menu button and type, “Troubleshoot,” then click on Troubleshoot system link with the wrench icon. You will now have a window pop open with a list of different areas in Windows that you may be having a problem with. Find the one that sounds like the problem you are having and click it. Then click “Run the troubleshooter” and let it run. It will search all through the system to see if it can find a resolution and repair it or direct you for more help.


Donna in Dayton sent in a great question which sort of surprised me. Her question is, “I am still running Windows 7, how do I upgrade to Windows 10 now?” I wish you and many others upgraded a couple of years ago when it was free and easy! Do not worry; I am not yelling at you. The news media, emails, and all the Microsoft publicity encouraged us to upgrade. As they have been telling us, Windows 7 End of Life will be, January 14, 2020. The EOL announcement has changed a few times but this date seems firm. EOL means that you no longer get security patches, updates to any new features, bug repairs which all mean, “you are on your own” and possibly in jeopardy for nefarious attacks. Microsoft will not be able to help you, unless you have lots of money…maybe.

I do not like quoting often but here is another from Microsoft with regard to upgrading now. “If your PC is running Windows 7, Microsoft strongly recommends that you move to a new device running Windows 10 sometime before the end of Windows 7 support on January 14, 2020. If your PC is running Windows 8.1, you can buy a full version of Windows 10 or a new device.” Basically, you are out of luck for waiting not that I blame you as I thought about it since Windows 7 was an excellent operating system. 10 really is better now and you will have to purchase Windows 10. The cost? Up to $200 depending on the version on I wish you all had updated when it was free.

Now, I have seen other prices online, at a little over $100 but I am not sure of the legality of those copies of the software. I am just not sure about some of those offers…remember, “buyer beware!”

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