Welcome to Part 2 of our look into some Windows 10 tips that you may not be aware of. My hope is to share some very helpful and useful ideas for you to use and try out. Some of these will be step 1, step 2, step 3 focused but if you follow along you will be doing fine. It may also make you a Windows Pro with your friends if you share some of these tips with them. Last week we started with free substitutes for Microsoft Office and Storage Sense.

Today, what if you have something you want to show someone from your computer, say give them steps with pictures or if you have a problem you can reproduce to show someone helping you? Use the built-in Windows 10 (W10), Steps Recorder. If you have never seen this you may be amazed if you try it on your W10 computer.

Steps Recorder control menu
Steps Recorder control menu

Click the W10 menu button at the lower-left corner of your screen if looks like the Windows logo. Now it is simple – type, “steps recorder” and you will see it appear as “Steps Recorder – app” which you click or press your enter key. There will be a small bar appear on your screen with a “Start Recorder” button on the left. From the point you start recording it will record screenshots each time you click your mouse. To me the most amazing part of the operation is that it will also record where you clicked with your mouse and list it in text. To see the recorded screens and instructions all you have to do is click, “Stop recording.” It will open a very clear and organized step by step of what you recorded. Try it out and see. You may then choose to save it and it will be ready to send to others.

OK, a little less info might be useful, like a screenshot of something you want to send to someone. Another built-in W10 tool is called the “Snipping Tool.” This tool will allow you to take a “picture” or “screenshot” of something on your computer screen. Say you are looking at a website and you wish to share it with your friends…this is the way to do it. Click on the start menu again and type…you guessed it, “snipping” and click on “Snipping Tool.” A toolbar with New, Mode, Delay and Options will appear. Check them all out for what they do but the last one you should click is New and you can capture a perfectly clear picture of whatever you wish that is on your screen. When you are done capturing the shot you can save it and then send it on by email to whomever you wish.

Snipping Tool control menu
Snipping Tool control menu

Keep in mind too, if you did not already know it, that you can also open the menu of Windows by clicking as I told you above or press the Windows button on the left of your space back, then click away for whatever you need.

Test both of these out and see how they can help you with sharing your ideas, thoughts or questions with others.

See below for an entire Steps Recorder file I created for you to see what it does and shows.

Step Recorder Image
Step Recorder Image

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