Toshiba Thrive

Chloe wrote to me recently asking about buying a tablet. She said that she had read an article of mine from several years ago regarding tablets. I had mentioned that I had used Android Tablets (Google based) as well as iPads (Apple based).

At that time, I was a firm believer in Google based Android tablets. I wrote extensively about the Toshiba Thrive Tablet ( which of course is no longer in production. I had a brand new one when I wrote about it in 2011. It was great!

After ten years of experience with many tablets, my mind has changed a bit. Not that Android tablets are now bad, but things have changed. When I wrote about the tablets those many years ago, there were more apps available for Android that there were for Apple devices. So if you wanted a business, social, game, or financial app for your tablet, there was a much better chance of getting them for a Google Android than an iPad.

Today, that has changed a bit, but not as much as you may think. According to ( there are approximately 2.2 million apps in the Apple Store with about 3.5 million in Google Apps. Still quite an enormous difference, but when you get into millions of applications, it does not make a big difference. At least to me, as I can find what I need on either.

The next thought is, why do you want a tablet? Business, streaming movies, reading books, something for young kids, use for school, etc. There are many potential uses for tablets. For school, I would say, get whatever the school system is using. Do not buck the system. Go with what they design their programs to use. Off topic slightly is to choose a Chromebook which many, many schools use now. They are basically an Android tablet with a keyboard.

For other uses, it should be the users’ choice for what they prefer. I like Android for being able to have a bit more control over the system. Whereas, iPads are more structured and controlled by Apple and therefore simpler to use. What type of phone do you use? Android or iPhone? I would get something that matches your phone…less to learn and they work together.

How about uses? Do you want to read books, magazines, websites, and play a couple of games here and there? Look at an Amazon tablet. Amazon Fires 7 to 10 are really decent low-end systems that may be very good for many people. Prices? About $85 to $165 depending on what is has built into the device. Check the details as you must on all electronic purchases.

Now onto more expensive tablets. Android and iPad both get my vote. However, at this point in my life I would choose the Apple iPads. Why? I believe they are built better mechanically, last a bit longer, perform better, and even though they have fewer apps than the Google platform, they have everything you need.

Now the final thought…prices. iPads are the more expensive pick, unless you go for a very high-end Android tablet. We are talking $200+ for a good basic Android to $400 and up for a good iPad.

The choice is yours. Do you have one? Are you looking for one, or could you care less? If you want a small, mostly, receiving device than imputing device (more difficult than a computer for typing information) for the world; I recommend the iPads. But no matter what device you choose, make your choice and do not look back. Enjoy your decision.Tablets

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