Well Christmas is over now and from the emails I have received recently I know some of you got new computers.

At that time of year, I am often asked to write a column about what computer to buy for Christmas…or anytime throughout the year. I no longer do that as there are many to pick from and I could not possibly review them all. So, for that go to reviews of computers and see what users say.

But there are some things you should do when you get that new system running.

When you first get you new computer out of the box simply follow the manufacturer’s directions. Most times you start it up answer a few questions then let it install drivers and make sure Windows 10 is up to date. It could be a five to 30-minute process, so relax with a cup of coffee.

Once that completes if your new windows 10 computer comes with any antivirus program installed other than the default, "Windows Security", uninstall them. Let the default antivirus do its job. The others will be free for a while and then 30, 60 or 90 days later try to get you to pay for it. Windows Security is all you need so do not be tricked. 

After your new computer is online go to dblclx.com/decrap to download PCDecrapifier.  You can read about it at www.pcdecrapifier.com but they have many other downloads on that page you do not need. The first link I gave you goes straight to the blue download button. The name comes from the slang for free apps that come preinstalled on a new computer "Crapware" since most of it is junk and unnecessary.  There are many. 

PC Decrap

PCDecrapifier scans your system and suggests software you can remove which you most likely do not need.  You can choose which ones to get rid of and keep the ones you like.  Just follow the directions and you will be fine. It also does not install anything on your computer. So once you run it you can delete the downloaded file and you are done.

After you remove the programs you may never use it is time to install all of your favorites.  You know the apps I am talking about.  For example, the applications I always want on my computer are Google Chrome as my browser, Thunderbird for email, iTunes, VLC, 7-Zip, Libre Office (free compared to Microsoft Office) and several others.  I count these as my personal default applications.

NiniteIf you go over to the Ninite site at ninite.com you can choose programs you want installed on your computer.  Now not all of the programs in the world are on the site, but they have almost 90 popular free applications.  Once your list is complete click the, "Get Installer" link, download it and run it.  The applications will automatically be installed on your new computer.

If your app is not listed you will have to go to the applications site to install it individually.

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