NewsSince you are reading this you realize that the site is now back online with new and improved “stuff” for you.

First, if you haven’t already noticed, each article can now be read to you, since the first of 2018.  Click the small blue arrow under the title and Sally will read the article to you.

Next, due to Google getting into areas that they have way too much control over (IMHO) they are giving a naughty notice (or Not secure) on sites that do not use Secure Sockets Layer or SSL.  For you, it shows that the URL is now “httpS” and not “http.” The “S” means secure.

If I did not convert over to SSL soon you may not have been able to find this site on Google or possibly not even access DoubleClicks.  At some expense, the site is now secure as httpS:// will now get you here…securely. (Of course, so will the old URL without the “S.” It will automatically take care of the “S.”)

That means that when I put ads on here or recommend you purchase something you will be securely able to transmit your data.  Similar to your bank’s site. For instance like this one, if you what to host your own site consider using, (Use that link and you save money and I make a little. Thanks!)

For now, that is all I have for you and after a week or so I will remove this message.

You can scroll down the page for the latest article.



I will be making some changes to the site and it will be down as I switch to my new web host,

It is an excellent provider, as has been for the past 15 years; however, BlueHost offers more at a better price.

So, I strongly suggest if you are looking for a host use BlueHost too, from the links provided, and you will get some dollars off.  That way I will make the first money this site has tried for since 2002 when I first started.Will Return Shortly Have fun and I will see you here again shortly.  There are always problems transferring to a new host.  It should take about 24 hours but I know how life works…if you know what I mean.

Scroll down past this message to see the latest article.

Ron Doyle
Double Clicks

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