Last week we talked about Gmail, Facebook and Facebook Messenger all great smartphone apps. Also, they were submitted to me by you readers. This week we look at a few more; two of them recommended by my wife.

Words with Friends 2 logoRobin only enjoys a couple of games. Yes, she also has email, Facebook, Amazon and many of the others I mentioned previously. But word games are her “thing” and both of her app choices are word games. First, is an oldie according to game standards, Words with Friends. The original version became available in 2009. In May 2017, Words with Friends was proclaimed as the most downloaded mobile game in the United States. A sequel to the game, Words with Friends 2, came out in 2017 which is the version she plays. Download it on Google Play here,

Scrabble logoThis game is very, very similar to an electronic version of Scrabble ( Although I do like words, I do not appreciate word games and I played this against her a lot in the past; however, after getting my clock regularly cleaned by her…I quit. Sorry but I am not a fan of Scrabble either; board or e-versions.

Believe it or not, the next word game she likes — I do too! It could be because I clean her clock at it regularly and she has not quit yet. This is another oldie called Boggle, you know the one with the plastic container and the four-by-four dice holder. The dice have letters on all sides, you shake them up and see who can make the most words for points. Same thing in this version of Boggle with Friends but electronic on your phone, Quite fun with a time of two minutes to complete your turn then your opponent has a whirl at the same letters. Try it out.

Boogle with Friends logo

Now a couple from me. WGH Solid Gold ( and WSVA-Q101-96.1 ( You can get most all radio stations by Googling for them; however, these and many others have their own apps. The first, WGH is my old favorite from when I was a teenager growing up in Va. Beach. The two DJs who are now into their 80s have almost the same voices. They work this station online and play the songs they did when I used to listen to them in the 60s and 70s. Great memories. The WSVA app…well you know I like that one and can listen anytime anywhere on my phone too, even my own show if at WSVA.



The last one for today is the Daily News-Record Digital Replica at You can also get every paper online, too. But of course, this is the one you may be reading now and one of the only papers I read. If you install the app you can read it on your phones and tablets. It does require a small fee to register, but is worth it. And you do not have to have a stack of old newspapers in your garage that is as tall as you. Read the DNR this way and save some paper.

Daily News-Record Digital_Repl logo

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