Last week we looked at Android apps (most also available for iPhones) that help you with research, collecting information, podcasts, players and audiobook readers. Today a few more very useful apps but first a reference back to last week.

I used the term “newb” (spelled N  E  W  B) last week and several people emailed and asked, “What is it?” First, it is not an insult. It is the short version of another possibly new term, “newbie” (spelled N E W B I E) and it is not an insult. A newb is someone who is new to something for them. However, a newb is most likely quite humble in attitude and ready to learn their new topic or subject…like “software” the way I used it. There is also another type of, “noob” (spelled N  O  O  B). This type of Noob usually means a poor game player (at first), or someone who does not know how to do something and thinks they already know it and usually does not want to work much to learn. Being a noob is not often a nice compliment. They are pronounced the same so only in writing can you determine the difference.

SnapseedToday we look first at, “Snapseed.”  Snapseed ( is quickly installable and easily useable on Andoird ( and iPhone devices. Their site, the preceding link, says it is available for Windows PCs and MAC. However, I have tried them both and I say, “Don’t do it!” The install is harsh and not worth the hassle. However, on your phones, it is a beautiful app.

It allows you to take a picture and then effortlessly edit the heck out of it. You may be able to take a so-so picture and edit it into something nice. Or a gorgeous picture and turn it into an even more stunning photo. It has an auto-edit feature so sometimes you only have to click one or two buttons to get that fantastic picture. I highly recommend it for anyone who loves to take pictures.

Next an app I wrote about several weeks ago but it deserves a quick look on your phone and PC or MAC. This site as I said earlier this year is my new favorite cloud storage site, “”, use this link ( which will give you and me and an extra 1GB of storage. Instead of 5GB you will receive 6GB. You can get more detail on exactly what it is at and the Android link is but I suggest you get the extra gig first from the above link.


VPNSecureFinally this week all about security and VPN. Virtual Private Networks are a definitely need in today’s society. Nefarious people are out there looking for your usernames and passwords. If you are anywhere there is public WiFi you should be using a VPN. I wrote a more detailed article about it in 2017 at if you are interested.

It stops anyone from seeing what you are doing and where you are going. When I go online outside of my house or business I always use one. The one that I use is called VPNSecure (for PC for Adroid use It may not be the best however, I got it at a very good price. Currently it is $9.95 per month or discounted if you pay for more months at a time. Expensive yes, but if it keeps others from your bank account it could be well worth it. There are some free VPNs out there but remember the caveat emptor principle.

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