Logitech Dongle

During this time of world unrest and other difficulties which are affecting our county at this time I thought I would write something that would be unifying!

Do not get overly sensitive as this is not about political unrest, riots, or face masks. I write about technology and I have two unifying concepts in tech which could help a lot of us quite a bit.

First, as you may have noticed above Double Click is gone and Gray Haired Tech has arrived. Do not panic as I know I have many faithful readers out there…only the name has changed. It is still me writing for you. I decided after almost 20 years of being Double Click I need to make a change. “Re-branding” is what they call it in the business world; I just call it, “changing names.”

In the past there were two sites. The original, DoubleClicks.info for the articles I have written. Then a couple of years ago I started DoubleClicksLive.com for training and courses I offer from time to time. Now all of that has been combined into GrayHaired.Tech. Why that name? Well, I have gray hair now which I did not have when this all started. Another reason is that many people who read, follow, and email me have a similar shade of hair. Well OK, not everyone since some use chemicals. By-the-way, if you go to either of the former sites you will automatically come back to GrayHaired.Tech

If you have not registered here yet you should so that you may receive other advantages as well as some free coaching/training. I have well over 125 people here now. I know not stupendous but I am just starting out. Do not worry. I will not fill your inbox with junk. But if you do register you get a few extras. So that is my first unification: two sites into one.

Now for the unification software. Have you ever lost the little dongle that plugs into your computer to connect your wireless mouse, keyboard or whatever other device uses those? If we lost the dongle or the mouse broke in the past, we threw them away.

A couple of weeks ago a coworker of mine, Lynn, introduced me to an interesting application named Logitech Unifying Software. In the old days you could not match unmatched dongles and devices so you had to toss the leftover part. But with this app you can unify any Logitech.com device that came with a dongle with a small orange star-like icon on the dongle, shown below.

Logitech Dongle
Logitech Dongle

You can download it at ghtech.site/unifier. Just go to the bottom of the page and click, “Show all downloads” then download the correct Windows or Mac version you have on your computer.

Logitech Unifying Download graphic
Logitech Unifying Download graphic

Next, run the downloaded file. After it installs it will start up (you can also shut it down and run it again later). Then plug in your unmatched dongle to your computer and cut on the unmatched device. Follow the directions and when you are done you have a fully functioning device for your computers. The device and dongle may be used on any other computer system, not just the one you set it up on. In addition to the quality of Logitech devices this is another reason I will stick with them from now on.

Logitech Unifying Setup
Logitech Unifying Setup

Companies with many employees are now saving a lot of money since they no longer must buy the whole set over again. They just need to find an old dongle lying around…just likes you.

If you have a favorite mouse or keyboard and no dongle you can buy a Logitech Unifying dongle online for around $10. You can buy a new wireless keyboard with a new dongle for around $60 and a wireless mouse may cost $35. Your call.

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