I received quite a few emails following last week’s column.

First, with regard to Thunderbird – the email client mentioned – several users said they enjoy it and have been using it for some time. David suggested another similar program, "Windows Live Mail," by Microsoft.

Next, several readers chimed in with questions regarding the appeal of  Coffitivity and Rainy Mood  but others enjoyed each site.

Once upon a time, I was a staunch supporter of Google Drive and Google Docs; however, with Outlook.com – the free cloud version of MS Office – I believe Microsoft’s outdone Google.

Since much of the business world relies on Microsoft-formatted files, Outlook uses MS as its default format.  Also, Outlook.com is the place to be for free Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote apps in the cloud.

Users must have or create a Hotmail.com or Outlook.com account, which allows them access to the aforementioned apps and  OneDrive cloud storage of 15 GB. While not as full-bodied as the commercial versions, the apps are useful for everyday and they work with most every tablet and phone, too.

OneDrive - Outlook.com logo

Another frequent question I receive is, "Ron, which is the best Cloud Storage and how safe is it?"

New ones appear constantly and most offer a starter amount of storage, which is usually between two and five GB.

For users hoping to keep storage completely removed from Office applications, I offer the following suggestions.

Dropbox logoI’ve long used Dropbox, which I find very dependable. If you use bit.ly/use-DropBox, you’ll be offered extra storage. A few reported hacker scares have arisen, but little came of them and the situations were quickly resolved.

New users are offered 2 GB free to start and more may be earned in different ways.

Copy.com logoMy current favorite is Copy.com – use bit.ly/roncopy for 20 GB free – which has a few more options, though some may seem confusing.

In terms of security: If something is online, it can be hacked. That includes bank accounts, though those chances are more slim, due to protocols and regulations. 

Storage sites like are more likely to be targeted, which is why I don’t use them for anything more than photos and files without personal information, such as routing or social security numbers. 

If you find this column helpful, let me know.

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