Santa under packagesI hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and visits to the stores on Black Friday to get the very best deals.  By-the-way, it is said that the phrase “Black Friday” started in Philadelphia when the heavy traffic after Thanksgiving Day disrupted traffic around 1960.  Then in the early ’80s it started being used for the same day but demonstrated the point in the retail year when business owners began making a profit…moving from being into the “red” then moving into the “black.”  I.E., profits were made in many businesses that day and the weeks following for the entire year.

Then yesterday was “Cyber Monday.”  This one was started by Ellen Davis with the National Retail Federation, to influence people to shop online to get even better deals than the Friday before.  Whether that is true or not I cannot say, that is for you to determine.

But now they are both over so I guess you should have finished all of your Christmas shopping by now and not buy anything else. NOT!

The sales will continue on.  Stores both brick and mortar and online have lots of “stuff” they need to get rid of.  But today I have a few techie words of advice for you.

First, continue with most of your shopping in the local stores.  That way the money stays in our area not going to who knows where for the online shop owners.  Online shopping many times will be sending your money to other countries.

Online SantaI think one of the most important things to keep in mind while shopping online, which most all of us do occasionally, is to use major retailers and well-known online retailer sites.   Of course, I cannot mention them all but you know the ones.  The large stores you see in all the shopping centers all have websites and they should be considered safe.  They spend a huge amount of money to make sure that your transactions are performed as safely as possible. They make a lot of money on them and do not want to jeopardize the public trust and lose any time not making more money from the sites.

But what about the “only online” stores?  For instance, Amazon,, Ebay,, New Egg, PayPal, Vista Print and many, many more.  Again, these should also be safe and trustworthy.

But what about  First thing to do for the “iffy” sites you have never heard of is to search for reviews of them.  I would go to and search, “review” then read reviews from other sites – not from the reviews at the actual site. Read them carefully and consider what you see before you purchase…do not impulse buy from unknown online sites, or anywhere else for that matter.

I have discovered a couple of good sites that way. is a site I found which has some good discounted prices on occasion.  Then which is pretty much what the name implies.

Last two tips.  Always know what you are looking at and are considering what the retail price usually is so that you will not overpay.  And last, make sure whenever you are dealing with money online that the URL for the site starts with, “https://.”  That “S” is very important meaning that the site is secure and protected from prying eyes.

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