Over the past weeks, I have given you the top 10 applications that I feel should be installed on a new PC. For a quick review they are: 1. Ninite, 2. Google Chrome Browser, 3. BitWarden or LastPass, 4. Malwarebytes, 5. Microsoft365.com, Google.com, or LibreOffice, 6. Thunderbird, 7. VLC, 8. Zoom, Google Meet, or Teams.com, 9. PatchMyPC, and 10. Your Phone/Phone Link (Android phone users only).
After thinking about it, I believe you need a few more, but on a lighter note. So, today we will look at a couple of apps you may want to use but are not required for better productivity.
I love reading. In my earlier years, I average two books, or so, a week, and kept that up for quite a while. But over the years I slowed down due to work, outside of the house activities, kids, sleep, etc. But recently I have picked up reading again; however, without paper books. Oops, I know that I just lost some of you since you would not read a non-paper book, but I have moved on. All the books I ready today are eBooks or audio-books. Both have their place but for me, personally, paper is gone the way of the Dodo bird…extinct.

There are several applications I recommend for reading. The first is the Amazon application named, “Kindle.” Search for the Kindle reader for places to download the app for your computer, phone, tablet, etc. You may also choose to read from the Kindle app online at read.amazon.com. While you have an Amazon account, you may download many thousands of books and read them at your convenience. It is a plethora of books. I am currently rereading books from my youth. “Doc Savage” or any Edgar Rice Burroughs books, i.e., “Tarzan,” the “Barsoom” and “Pellucidar” series of his. Do not judge me, I loved those as a kid and decided to take another read of them after 50+ years. Since it has been many years, I have forgotten the details, so they are like new reads in most respects—and still entertaining to me. And yes, I also read more modern works.

The other reading app(s) I suggest are Audible.com or Scribd.com. They are both great apps for listening to or reading books via your devices. They both have pluses and minuses, but I will let you research the differences. I use either from time-to-time as they are both excellent. I listen to books while traveling down the road or out for a walk. I enjoy that since while driving it is hard to read…and illegal to read a book, while listening is fine and very enjoyable.
The final of my 10 12 best apps to install on a new PC is called, “8 GadgetPack” at 8gadgetpack.net. This one is a little geeky, but well worth the time to check it out. The 8 Gadget Pack will give you many “gadgets” to view regarding your computer. You may add different ones that will quickly allow you to see helpful tools and features.

I use five gadgets on my computer. They are a clock, an app launcher, local weather, CPU usage, and one that I found elsewhere online that shows how long my computer has been on. Again, these are unnecessary but I find them useful to me. They give me what I consider important information about my system. Check GrayHaired.Tech for screenshots of how it looks and what it does. It even allows the weather gadget to be extended for more information. Have fun!

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