First 4 of 10 Best Apps for a New Computer

I am writing to you today since new computers usually flourish this time of year. And I get requests most every year this time to write about what computer to buy. The selections are many, but my best suggestion is to stick with names you have heard of and the bigger the numbers for the computer components, the better. Do not forget to check with your friends and family to see what they think of their recent computer purchases. But now onto something else.

This time I am going to suggest what I think are the best 10 programs to install on your new Christmas computer. All have a free version, but most have an upgrade to a purchased version. In this list, the ones that you can pay for are worth it, but the free versions are fine too.First 4 of 10 Best Apps for a New ComputerBest App #1: The first place that I go to when I set up a new computer, or must rebuild mine (which I had to do last week) is to OK, to be honest, the first place I go is to Windows Update to make sure all is well with my operating system, then Ninite has over 100 applications on their site. You can choose any of the apps that you want to install on your computer. You then download one file from Ninite and install it. It will then add all the apps you chose to your computer at one time.


As I continue here, I will let you know which of the following may be installed using Ninite.

Best App #2: So, the first you can download with Ninite and the #2 on my list is the Google Chrome browser. You can also get it separately from The default browser that comes with all new Windows 11 computers is Microsoft Edge. Edge is much better than it used to be, but I am still a big Chrome fan. I believe Chrome is the better choice. Once it is installed, I set it up as the default browser and work from there.

Google Chrome
Google Chrome

Best App #3: The next application to install is one of two…your choice. A password “vault” is next. I use, but is equal in features and quality. Either is fine and both have a free version that is good for most people. They will both keep track of your passwords, even creating difficult ones for you. They save them and you can set them so that when you log into a site, it will prefill the usernames and passwords for you. I now actually have different passwords for each site and I do not know what they are. These two programs will keep track of and use them when needed. They are both available for your smartphone. Neither are installable with Ninite.


Best App #4: is available on Ninite or ‘’, individually for free, too. This anti-malware app works great with Windows Defender, which is built into Windows, and I highly suggest you use it for your online protection. The free version is great, but you must remember to run it from time-to-time.


I am out of room this week, so the last of the ten recommended applications will follow in the next weeks.

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