Last month I finally went to Dr. Shawn Lepley (many heartfelt thanks to you doc) about what I thought was asthma.  He sent me to RMH for a stress test and a few days later I went in to have four heart stents installed via two separate procedures.  Also, many thanks to Dr. Stewart Pollock and his fantastic team and all of the great people at RMH for the care I received.  By the time you read this I should be back in the saddle at work having a great time.  

So now you wonder, "OK, Ron where is the tech stuff I’m used to here?"  If you have had heart issues before you know that there are at least two areas you may be advised to work on in your lifestyle.  One is cholesterol, which I lucked out on since my cholesterol is always good.  However, that being said I am a Type 1 diabetic and use the site I am going to share with you several times a day.  The other is exercise which up until last month, for me, consisted of typing, walking to the car and bending my elbows as I ate.   

imageThe first website I would like to recommend is called Calorie King. Once you arrive at Calorie King you will see that they have a plethora of information and "helps" available to you all dealing with food and eating.  The function I live on is the "Food Search" link.  Once there you can enter most any food you can think of and get the important nutritional information you may need.  My experience has shown that you get the numbers on Total Fat, Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, Sodium, Total Carbohydrates, Fiber, Sugars, Protein, Calcium and Potassium.

I know that some of my readers do not have "smart phones" but for those of you who do this site works very well in my phone’s browser.  That way even when I am on the road I can check out the carbs, etc. of most any meal.  Calorie King includes many chain restaurants so I can even check my cheese pastry at Panera’s.

For keeping track of my exercise I installed an application on my Android phone called, "Endomondo Sports Tracker." You can find it at  Once there you can install it on all of the current smart phone systems.

imageThe program uses your GPS and tracks where you walk, run, bike, etc.  It records many things such as your average speed, altitude, length of workout, distance, and other related numbers.  One of the things I really like about it is that if you get an account at the site you can go back there to view maps of your workouts.  Since I only walk a few miles at most that is not a big deal but it is interesting.

Check out the site download and the free app to see all of the other features it offers since I have only scratched the surface.

Good health to you all!

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