Amazon Locked?

Amazon Lock

You know, I really support the local brick and mortar businesses in the area. Our local businesses support our local people and local economy, which helps us all. But occasionally, I also purchase things through online stores. Remember that many local businesses have online sales, so the line sometimes blurs. Today I want to mention…

I paid for software?

Apps I Purchased

The holidays are usually a great time of getting together with family and friends. I do not know how or if you are planning that this year, but I hope you have a great holiday season whatever you have decided. Also, as I have been asked this year and others, “Why don’t you write about…

Customer Review Average

Amazon Product Reviews

Back in the day when I first discovered Amazon (my first order was in 1995). I thought about what a great place it was to get some books. Amazon started in July 1995 as a website that sold books and nothing else. The creator of Amazon, Jeff Bezos thought about the future of the company…

Honey logo

Honey Money

Honey Money I have used several online sales tools in the past. Sometimes for real and other times testing for information. There are many out there which, provide you with the best or better prices than what a site may offer. I have looked into GroupOn (, RetailMeNot (, SlickDeals (, InvisibleHand ( and Honey…