A Shiny New Gmail, Part 3

Last week I finished the second part of an introduction to the new Gmail interface. This week I will wrap it up with the last one regarding, “Smart Compose.” Smart Compose was recently introduced to Gmail and it is an excellent addition. Now, let us understand one thing very clearly. I have read many articles…

2018-05-21 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

This week we had several interesting looks at AI (Artificial Intelligence) uses by Google and Microsoft.  Don’t worry Skynet has not yet come to its own…but could it be around the corner. Nope, no science fiction this week only the facts.  Check out the podcast if you missed the show. Tech NewsGmail can now autocomplete…


UPDATE: All is well with the DoubleClicks.info site now

Since you are reading this you realize that the site is now back online with new and improved “stuff” for you. First, if you haven’t already noticed, each article can now be read to you, since the first of 2018.  Click the small blue arrow under the title and Sally will read the article to…