Windows 10 & 11 Task Managers

Task Manager

Have you ever had a program lock up on your computer so that you could not do anything with it, including closing it? Many times, people will reboot their computers to resolve those types of issues. But there may be an easier way. That is done by using Task Manager. Not only can it shut…


Play in Your Sandbox

Remember when you were a kid playing in a sandbox? You could do whatever you wanted to it and always smooth it out and start over again. (Except for what the neighborhood cat may have left for you.) In Windows Pro and Enterprise versions of Windows, you can install Windows Sandbox. It operates just like…

Enable Reader Mode

Reader Questions, Part 2

After the article last week on reader questions, I received a few more questions. Kyle emailed and asked about a thing or two he has seen on his Google Chrome Browser. I thought this was a good place to take another look, as everyone will see at least two of them. All three will be…

Thanks again result

More than Flags in Chrome

Last week we looked at how to “Flag” the Google Chrome browser and I told you this week we would have some more Chrome tips. Also, thanks to several of you who emailed thanking me for those flags and a couple of you added some that you use and enjoy. Today, something that Chrome has…



WOW, we had a week of gas vanishing. In some locations, it is still not available as it was the week before. Why? Well, unless you do not listen to any news, it was because of a ransomware attack supposedly perpetrated by Russia hackers named DarkSide. This attack was on Colonial Pipeline, that controls a…