Free Wifi

Practice Safe Public Wi-Fi

After last week’s article regarding “Steps Recorder,” someone asked if there is a way to get more immediate support from a friend or relative for problem resolution? The simple answer is, “Yes!” The more complicated answer is that there are as many ways to do this as Doan’s had pills in the 1940s. But last…

Google Voice Screen

Google Voice

I hate to repeat myself, but today I will. I wrote an article about this same application approximately ten years ago. The reason I am writing about it again is the number of questions I get about it, along with learning new features it has, from other users. First, for any of this to work…

Network Speed

This column bothers me. Basically, because it did not even come close to turning out the way I thought it would. I wrote about network speeds the first of this year as I get questions regarding the topic often. However, a question to me from Jessica recently got me to test something I had not…

Open to the World, Part 2

Last week we started looking at securing your home network.  Today we will finish our walk-through.  There are other settings for your router I have not mentioned but with instructions in hand you can experiment.  Just be very careful and (maybe) check with a geek friend first. In review: Open your browser and go to…