Weather I’m Right or Weather I’m Wrong

Do you check the weather online? How about on your phone app? Possibly your smart speaker, i.e. Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot, or others that do not have quite the followers? Many still remain loyal to TV, radio and/or newspapers.   Weather is one of the top ten most searched items according to Google’s 2018…

2015-03-16 Show Notes

Here are the notes from today’s show. Please enjoy reading, learning and clicking. Also, the podcast is available for you to listen to 365/24/7 so have at it. Ron’s Android App Recommendation (This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone, tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)Gas Buddy…

Office 2013-Outlook

Well, not all of the Office 2013 applications have a lot new going for them and Outlook is one of them.  It really has not changed that much.  It is cleaner, which is the Windows 8 "look."  As I stated in the past it is, in my opinion, boring.  As with the other Office apps…

Windows 7 Tips, Part 2

Last week we took a look at using the control key plus the arrow keys to move your Windows around the screen.  Today we check out a few more Windows 7 tricks.  Remember as you read that ‘W +’ means to hold down the Windows key (the one with the logo to the left of…


Well I have been given a "fan-boy" title.  Since I have been writing about Google’s many products and features for a few weeks I was emailed recently and asked why I was such a Google Fanboy.  I have used that term before (re: Apple) so figured this time I would look it up and online…

Firefox Add-ons, Part 2

I received many emails asking me more about Firefox Add-ons after last week’s column.  So today we are going to look at a few more.  Keep those emails coming since I want to write about what interests you! If you have any questions about basic Firefox Add-ons you need to read last week’s column about…