2014-07-21 WSVA Show Notes

Tech NewsRussian hackers placed ‘digital bomb’ in Nasdaq CNN Money – Russian hackers managed to slip a "digital bomb" into the Nasdaq — one with the potential to sabotage the stock market’s computers and wreak havoc on the U.S. economy. That’s according to an investigative report by Bloomberg Businessweek, which revealed the details of a…


I have mentioned OneNote by Microsoft several times in recent articles.  I have had many emails asking me to do an introduction column regarding this application.  So here it is. In my opinion OneNote is one of the most overlooked and enigmatic applications in the Microsoft stables today.  MS has not mentioned it much until…

Online Docs May Be the Answer

Last week we looked at the confusion regarding the many choices with Microsoft Office.  I said I would have another solution for Lindsey and you this week.    Here are two more good options.  Office Live or OneDrive (formerly known as SkyDrive) depending on where you read about it or Google Drive (drive.google.com or just get…