

WOW, we had a week of gas vanishing. In some locations, it is still not available as it was the week before. Why? Well, unless you do not listen to any news, it was because of a ransomware attack supposedly perpetrated by Russia hackers named DarkSide. This attack was on Colonial Pipeline, that controls a…

Hamburger possiblities

How about a Hamburger?

Universal Icons are something that you know about and may not have known you knew. Think about some of these icons. The symbol of a house, an arrow pointing to the right, a Holmesian magnifying glass, a heart, a hand with the thumb pointing up or down and many, many more. You have it; the…

I paid for software?

Apps I Purchased

The holidays are usually a great time of getting together with family and friends. I do not know how or if you are planning that this year, but I hope you have a great holiday season whatever you have decided. Also, as I have been asked this year and others, “Why don’t you write about…



What do all the following require… if you have an account with them; email, online banking, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, or any other site? This includes your newspaper account at the DNR and your free classes at GrayHaired.Tech. Of course, several things. First, a website to go to, next a username, and finally a password. Sites…

Google Account Page

Google is Watching & Recording You

Google is Watching You know by reading my steady supply of tech articles, podcasts, and other writing that I am a Google fan. I like and use most everything by Google from the search engine, email, photos, document creation, and storage to everything else they provide to us…for free. Check out the podcasts at ghtech.site/ght-yt…

Your Phone from on the MS Windows Store

Your Phone App

Your Android Phone and What “Your Phone” Can Do for You! A little over two years ago I wrote about an app that allowed you to text from your PC, through your Android phone. It had a few other neat features and a couple of limitations. It was named MightyText.com. Visit this link if you…

Weather I’m Right or Weather I’m Wrong

Do you check the weather online? How about on your phone app? Possibly your smart speaker, i.e. Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot, or others that do not have quite the followers? Many still remain loyal to TV, radio and/or newspapers.   Weather is one of the top ten most searched items according to Google’s 2018…