Google Timeline

Hansel and Gretel

You know, we, just like you, are getting cabin-fever and ready to get out of the house. My wife, Robin, had a great idea the other night. She told me, “Hey, since we are getting five to six weeks to a full tank of gas so far, why don’t we go for a ride around…

Weather I’m Right or Weather I’m Wrong

Do you check the weather online? How about on your phone app? Possibly your smart speaker, i.e. Google Home Mini, Amazon Echo Dot, or others that do not have quite the followers? Many still remain loyal to TV, radio and/or newspapers.   Weather is one of the top ten most searched items according to Google’s 2018…

A Few Questions Answered

There are several things I have written about through the years which I get questioned about regularly.  I thought today we would look at a few that have evolved into something more as well as some that have vanished from the e-landscape. One of them was a site with some fun, soothing sounds.  It is…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

What Should I Install?

I regularly receive questions concerning readers buying new computers.  They will usually ask what antivirus software they should install to keep everything protected.  I usually suggest one or two good antivirus applications.  Keep in mind I am only referencing Windows machines and, due to my frugal nature, free applications.  If you have a Windows 7…

Tech Christmas, Part 1

Wearable Tech is one of those technology terms that makes some sense.  It is a technology device that you wear like clothes or jewelry.  However, it does more than just look pretty.  Here are a couple of the more popular items that seem to be making lots of news (or advertising) this time of year….