Yubikey Installed into USB port

More Security with Yubikey

Earlier this year… I made a few suggestions about your password safety. One of the things I recommended, and still do, is LastPast, which you can find here, ghtech.site/lp-howto. Here is a very quick review of LastPass. It allows you to save your login credentials, such as usernames and passwords to the app. You create…



What do all the following require… if you have an account with them; email, online banking, Facebook, Instagram, Amazon, or any other site? This includes your newspaper account at the DNR and your free classes at GrayHaired.Tech. Of course, several things. First, a website to go to, next a username, and finally a password. Sites…

Quick Launch Toolbar

When I repeatedly receive the same question, I tend to direct readers to previous columns. However, this week I received a question from Elizabeth that others have asked about numerous times. Since it seems to be such a common issue, I will again address it, with a few changes and updates. If you are a…

Secure P@55w0rdz

I received many questions after last week’s column about being hacked regarding passwords.  Some were about how to create good passwords and others like, “How do I remember my 194 accounts’ passwords?” First, when creating passwords avoid the obvious.  Currently some of the top passwords in use in the US are qwerty, asdfgh, 12345678, your…