USB in computer

Thumb Drives for Applications and Storage

Installing applications and operating systems both on thumb drives, also known as USB drives, can be a risky endeavor. You may worry about data corruption and storage limits, while also questioning if the drive will last. Your hard drives are a critical component of your systems, and with internet speeds increasing, you want to be…

Ron's Thumb Drive

Thumb Drives

Do you have a data stick, key chain drive, jump drive, pen drive, thumb drive, USB flash drive, or any other name you may have heard of for a portable storage device? My preference is “thumb drive,” so that is what I will stick with here. A thumb drive is a portable device that can…

You Can be a Spy Too!

I wanted to talk about a very interesting free application that I stumbled upon this week and the website where I found it. Everything USB is an interesting site that has…well OK, you guessed it, lots of information about USB devices. USB stands for “universal serial bus” and is the interface (plug) between your computer, most thumb drives/memory sticks and an…