Google Onn at Walmart

This ONNs for You

A couple of years ago, I wrote about upgrading my TV streaming device to Google Chromecast TV. It provides a great way to stream most anything you could need with it on a TV. Now, a smart TV will also allow you to do this; however, some brands have restrictions. Check out my previously referenced…

Is the Big Eye Watching You?

Is the Big Eye Watching You?

Is the enormous one eyed, Cyclops in your living room observing you as you watch it? This large eye refers to the television set, ranging from 45 inches, 75 inches or larger. Even though air conditioning existed, my wife’s grandmother refused to use it or watch TV. She believed that the AC contained hazardous chemicals…

Traveling Minstrel

The Changing Face of Entertainment

You know the history of entertainment has changed tremendously throughout the years. I guess we first started with someone gathering around the fire ring to tell stories. They would enthrall the listeners with daring-do and excitement to escape the mundane of everyday life. In time things changed and we had bards going from town-to-town singing…


This is a very popular way to convert your "almost" smart TV into a fairly intelligent one…at a very low cost. If you have not heard about it yet the item is called Chromecast which was developed by Google. It is a dongle…STOP!  Some of you may need to know what a dongle is so…