Windows 10 Tips, Part 3

Thanks, for the encouraging emails about last week’s article on W10 Steps Recorder and Snipping Tool. Some of you even sent me some examples along with a question or two. I appreciate it, especially when I know how to help you out! Today we will look at something that may already be on your computer…

Google Extras

The last three weeks I have been sharing the new Gmail interface from Google. Due to the large number of emails I received, thanking me, discussing and questioning me I thought that you may want some more about Google “stuff.” So today we continue with a couple of more pieces of information about other Google…

Chrome Extensions, Part 6

This week we will continue examining Chrome Extensions.  They will all be related to one item…Google.  Since I have gotten emails thanking me for this series of articles I have bad news for those who liked it, we only have one more to go after this one.  For those of you that were bored that…

Chrome Extensions, Part 5

Thanks to the emails I have received I will continue this week with many of the Google Chrome browser extensions that I like and/or find useful. First this week is the “Email this page (by Google)” extension.  If you use Gmail, which you are since you are using Chrome or you would not be reading…

Chrome Extensions, Part 4

As I start off this week many of you have written me asking about other extensions.  A friend who reads the articles, knowing how I use my computer, suggested I put in more extensions than I had originally planned.  So, today I will continue by showing you the Chrome Browser Extensions I intended to.  However,…