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Google is Watching & Recording You

Google is Watching You know by reading my steady supply of tech articles, podcasts, and other writing that I am a Google fan. I like and use most everything by Google from the search engine, email, photos, document creation, and storage to everything else they provide to us…for free. Check out the podcasts at…

Google Timeline

Hansel and Gretel

You know, we, just like you, are getting cabin-fever and ready to get out of the house. My wife, Robin, had a great idea the other night. She told me, “Hey, since we are getting five to six weeks to a full tank of gas so far, why don’t we go for a ride around…

2014-10-20 Show Notes

Welcome again to the WSVA/Double Clicks monthly podcast (go ahead click it to listen).  I appreciate your reading and listening to the show.  Also, for the next two months I want to know what you may be purchasing for you and yours for the Holidays.  So shoot me an email and let me know, maybe…

Go Different Waze

Last week I mentioned a trip to the "big city" and using my GPS.  So today, back to my big city experience.  I was going somewhere and had just reinstalled Waze.  I was also running the family GPS.  They both directed me the exact same way on my 25 mile/35 minute trip.  About three quarters…

Glympse or Waze

A few weeks ago I was on a trip out of town in a large city I did not know very well.  I used our family Garmin GPS to navigate around town.  It worked as it should but I kept getting into big traffic jams.  There are two excellent apps I have used on my…