Setup a Gmail Account

OK, I have been reprimanded by Samantha, one of my enthusiastic readers.  She says that I have written about Gmail many times. This includes last week as well as over the years. She is correct. But she went on to explain I have never written about how a person goes about setting up a new…

Double Clicks Live

I mentioned on the WSVA Radio Show last week, and yesterday with Beth Bland from VPAS (Valley Program for Aging Services), regarding my new endeavor.  I feel that is it now time to bring it to my readers. Over the past 17 years, I have written about technology here at the DNR and many other…

A Shiny New Gmail, Part 3

Last week I finished the second part of an introduction to the new Gmail interface. This week I will wrap it up with the last one regarding, “Smart Compose.” Smart Compose was recently introduced to Gmail and it is an excellent addition. Now, let us understand one thing very clearly. I have read many articles…

About three years ago I wrote a column about MOOC.  I have gotten emails over time with questions about this and other online training so I think it is time for a short review and an update.  The original article is found at, if you care to glance at it when you are done…

Read a Book

I wrote a year or so ago about a couple of ways to get eBooks for your reading.  Things change and move on so today I would like to talk about them again.  Today we will discuss three them I have tested. The first is a freebie with only one easy caveat, you must have…

2016-02-15 Show Notes

Welcome back to the Show Notes to the Talk Show from this morning. Kick back and relax if you are in the snow, rain, sun or wherever. Listen to the podcast while you read. Tech News AT&T jumps into the fast lane with ultraspeedy 5G field trial 5G is coming. Eventually. The fifth generation of…