My New Tablet

About two years ago I wrote in regard to buying my first tablet, a Toshiba Thrive.  Well time has continued on as it usually does and I have come to the point where I needed a replacement.  So I have recently purchased a Nexus 7 by Google.  Yes, I know I have not been extremely…

Tablet Keyboards

Well this week I was very pleasantly surprised.  A coworker, who also has the same android tablet I have, saw an advertisement for a "wired" keyboard for our Toshiba Thrives.  The price is $11.88.  Are you kidding me?!  As you know from my previous articles, in my opinion real inexpensive cheap is the next best…

Android Tablet Apps

I always receive emails from Android users asking what apps I like to run on my phone and tablet.  I always have to insert when I mention phones that I work for NTELOS Wireless, so there you go. Anyway, I thought instead of writing each person individually for a while I would tell you all…