Android & Google Enter Texting

Since 2014 I have written about and several times mentioned a browser add-on called Mighty Text ( Then just this last March, I wrote about another one called TextTo ( which is now known as Send Leap ( They both continue to function well; however, there is another and possibly better kid on the block….

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Texting from Your Computer

For a couple of years, I have been using a good Chrome Browser Add-on called Mighty Text, found at which allows texting from your computer. The big basic is that it allows you to hook it up to your phone and send text messages from your computer. This works on your Android device and…


I went through almost my entire college career without taking notes.  I found that when I took notes I was busy writing and missed what I really needed to get from the lecture.  I was/am not good at shorthand; neither the genuine one nor my own made up version. Lo-and-behold, technology triumphs again!  This creative…

2013 Sites in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Dropbox –   A very good cloud…

Office – Which Office?

I received a great question today from one of my regular readers and writers, so thanks Ivan for turning me around.  I was going to have an entirely different theme today but it will have to wait. Ivan asked, "What choices do I have beside Microsoft Office to install on my computer?"  I thought that…