Need Screenshots?

Amy wrote recently and asked what tool I use for screenshots on my site and in training manuals I have written.  I told her I wrote about that five or so years ago, but it may be time to review. First, what is a screenshot?  A screenshot is pretty much defined by its name.  It…

Google Hero and Yet?

As you regular readers know I am a fan of Google and yet on occasion they fail me totally.  Mostly this is due to them doing away with applications I use and enjoy: Google Reader, Calendar Sync, iGoogle, Google Notebook just to name a few. But I enjoy their products so much that I have…

2013 Sites in Review, Part 2

This week I will continue with the second half of the links we talked about last year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Dropbox –   A very good cloud…

The End of an Era

It was born at the end of 2001.  It was greatly received as most everyone who experienced it loved it much better than many of its predecessors.  It entered our computing lives at that time and continued on in new computers into 2010.  It was supposed to disappear from our screens several years ago.  However,…

What are Those Hard to Read Characters for Anyway?

I receive questions about those goofy, hard to read letters which are found on many websites from time-to-time.  They are known as “Captchas.”  Yes, a nonsensical word, unless you are a geek. It actually stands for the word, “capture.”  Now that you just repeated them both in your mind, you are nodding – you get…

Gmail Labels

Last week we looked at Gmail’s General Settings.  As a result of your emails, today we move on to Gmail Labels. You get to Labels the same way you got to General Settings last week.  You must first be logged into your Gmail account (  Then look to the upper right corner and hover the…

Take a Tablet

During the summer months I wrote several articles regarding e-book readers in general and more specifically Barnes and Noble’s Nooks (  They are both great to have if you are a reader; however, something different has come to my attention. I was very happy to receive a gift of a tablet PC and I have…