Gmail Extras, Part 7, Undo Send & Vacation Responder

Gmail Extras, Part 7, Undo Send & Vacation Responder

I thought maybe I was writing too many Gmail articles for my readers. But from the number of email questions and comments I have received, that does not seem to be an issue. You want more, so, here we go–continuing from last week. Please keep the questions and comments coming as I appreciate hearing what…

Gmail Part 3

Gmail Extras, Part 3, Signatures & Confidential Mode

This week we will look at two more Gmail features you may not have used yet. I received your emails about the last columns and appreciate the comments. Keep them coming with other issues you would like to see discussed in the future. Also, unless I tell you differently to get to any Settings in…

Enable Reader Mode

Reader Questions, Part 2

After the article last week on reader questions, I received a few more questions. Kyle emailed and asked about a thing or two he has seen on his Google Chrome Browser. I thought this was a good place to take another look, as everyone will see at least two of them. All three will be…

Ron's Wallet

Wallets in the Future

For birthdays and Christmas, people receive many assorted presents; however, when I was younger, I seemed to get wallets from relatives. Some were cool, and I liked them, and others not, trifolds, bifolds, etc. Times change. We can still get regular wallets, even today. However, others can choose wallets that are slim for only a…

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

Here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. If you missed the first part, check it out here. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my “” predecessor. They will be continuous characters after that lead without spaces and capitalization counts….

Thanks again result

More than Flags in Chrome

Last week we looked at how to “Flag” the Google Chrome browser and I told you this week we would have some more Chrome tips. Also, thanks to several of you who emailed thanking me for those flags and a couple of you added some that you use and enjoy. Today, something that Chrome has…