New Computer Oops

A friend got a new computer last year.  They got a very nice 64-bit, 17 inch HP Notebook.  It had a large hard drive, 6 GB of RAM and lots of free or trial software. One of which was a quite nice and usually expensive antivirus program. The free software is standard in the market…

Various Things

After last week’s article regarding MOOCs I got a great email from Donnie telling me about using one for the past year or so and learning to speak Spanish.  Another freebie.  The site is which currently provides ten languages:  Spanish, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Irish, Danish, Swedish and Turkish.  I do not know…

A Few Questions Answered

There are several things I have written about through the years which I get questioned about regularly.  I thought today we would look at a few that have evolved into something more as well as some that have vanished from the e-landscape. One of them was a site with some fun, soothing sounds.  It is…

2015-03-16 Show Notes

Here are the notes from today’s show. Please enjoy reading, learning and clicking. Also, the podcast is available for you to listen to 365/24/7 so have at it. Ron’s Android App Recommendation (This app can be found on Google Play from your Android phone, tablet or viewed on your PC from the link below.)Gas Buddy…

Updating Your Apps

I know you are all running Windows Update on your PCs.  Well, let me back off a bit on that.  If you have Windows 7 or before you should be running it manually or setting it to run automatically.  Windows 8 on comes with the default for Windows Update to automatically run so you do…

Tech Christmas, Part 2

Last week, I suggested a few techie Christmas gifts. Some readers requested a few more; so, they are as follow. Let’s start on a slightly different foot. This is similar to the musical cards that play songs or prerecorded messages when opened, but it’s a little different. At, users can create their own video…

Tech Christmas, Part 1

Wearable Tech is one of those technology terms that makes some sense.  It is a technology device that you wear like clothes or jewelry.  However, it does more than just look pretty.  Here are a couple of the more popular items that seem to be making lots of news (or advertising) this time of year….

Google Hero and Yet?

As you regular readers know I am a fan of Google and yet on occasion they fail me totally.  Mostly this is due to them doing away with applications I use and enjoy: Google Reader, Calendar Sync, iGoogle, Google Notebook just to name a few. But I enjoy their products so much that I have…