Android Tablet Apps

I always receive emails from Android users asking what apps I like to run on my phone and tablet.  I always have to insert when I mention phones that I work for NTELOS Wireless, so there you go. Anyway, I thought instead of writing each person individually for a while I would tell you all…

Get Connected

OK, the holidays have started and you may be traveling to visit the relatives in a faraway or unfamiliar location. You take your computer so that you can keep up with email, Facebook, your Tweets and your news and sports information.  Gee, first of all what happened to the "good ole days" when you visited…

More to Thrive On

The column about my Toshiba Thrive from last week generated several intriguing emails.  First, "I am looking for a Tablet PC and want to know if you can tell me more about yours?"  Well, I can but I only have so much space in the columns.  You can really find all you need online starting…

Take a Tablet

During the summer months I wrote several articles regarding e-book readers in general and more specifically Barnes and Noble’s Nooks (  They are both great to have if you are a reader; however, something different has come to my attention. I was very happy to receive a gift of a tablet PC and I have…