How may I help

Get Human(s)

I know that we have all been where Tracey was when she wrote to me a few weeks ago? She wondered if there were better ways to contact a company for help, other than being stuck on hold music for an hour. You need to contact a business about a return, a question, a problem…

Schemes, Part 2

Today on Part 2 of looking at different schemes that are knocking on our phones, emails, and even doors we will look at a couple which have hit me recently.  I am no different from you, so if I am getting them some of you are too.  So here are your alerts, warnings and call…

Facebook Safety, Part 2

A long time ago (on the “feels like index”) last year we looked at some Facebook security settings you should check on your account.  If you need a refresher on what I said go here,, to take a look again. Today we will take a look at some of the personal things you need…

Facebook Helps

Toward the end of last month my wife was on Facebook.  For those of you who know her that is not much of a stretch since she regularly enjoys it. She was reading things from her friends, looking at pictures from across the world, looking into unfolding world events, catching up on politics (not), seeing…