File Storage in the Clouds

I often receive questions about where you can save your documents in the cloud (online).  In the past I have written about and Google Docs.  However, I have found another one which, I believe is even better.  Over the past several months I have started to depend on With Dropbox you get 2GB…

To iPad or not to iPad

I say, “Not”!  And this article from TechRepublic writer, Debra Littlejohn Shinder gives my reasoning exactly.  I am especially in agreement with the even numbered items in the list. I would add an 11th reason to the mix and that is I never want the first version of anything.  That includes tech stuff, cars, phones,…

Backup Software

Over the past nine years I have talked about different items related to backing up your personal files or data files on your computer.  At that time I wrote about where to back up your files.  Three years ago I talked about what files you should regularly backup.  From both of those columns I only…