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Internet Usage Stats (Addiction)

Last week we looked at computer statistics. Today a couple of other interesting stats. With people of the world so locked into tweeting, Facebooking, texting, Googling, and constant personal and/or business e-mail checks, a genuine risk of tech addiction exists for the current generation of children. But studies show adults/parents are struggling too. Recent research…

IBM PC model 5150 computer

Computer Usage Stats

In today’s digital world, it’s almost impossible to imagine our lives without computers. Whether for work or leisure, we rely on these powerful machines to accomplish things we do in our daily lives. And the statistics on computer usage globally are just as impressive as the technology itself. From the number of devices in use…

The Most Popular Browser

About five years ago I wrote an article similar to this one but over time things change. More importantly than the changes is that you all write to me. I am often asked something similar to, “What is your favorite browser?” or “What is the most popular browser today?” So today I thought we would…

Smartphone Info

Since I get many questions about Smartphones here are some interesting statistics which may answer some of your inquiries. The top five smartphone operating systems, according to comscore.com stack up like this. Android is number one with 52.0% of the market followed not very closely by Apple with 39.2%. Next were Blackberry, Microsoft with 5.1%…