Common Questions, Part 1

Common Questions, Part 1

As a computer guy over the past five decades…yes, I am ancient, I have gotten many questions. Many of them repeated time-after-time. For a couple of weeks, we will look at some of those most commonly recurring questions and their answers. I will keep them short and not get too far into the weeds. If…

SSD Drive or Not

I have been told by other geeks for a couple of years I need to get SSD (solid-state drive) for my computer.  A SSD is a storage device which uses integrated circuitry to store data on your computer.  In recent years they were called hard drives using electro-magnetic media to store your data.  You know…

What about SSD vs. HDD?

I recently received an email from a reader asking about SSD compared to HDD.  What the heck are those initials…new government agencies?  Not quite.   They stand for "Solid State Disk" (or Solid State Drive or Solid State Disk drive) and "Hard Disc Drive" respectively. The HDD is the hard drive you are most likely using…