Clean sweep

Computer Audit

You know, many years ago, I was a banker. Every year, we went through a couple of audits. They were always nerve-racking. Not due to anything done disreputable but because you knew those people were pros at dotting the “i” and crossing the “t” to the Nth degree. Because of a conversation Jim Britt and…

Recycle Bin

Speed Up Your Windows Computer, Part 1

I get questions regularly about how people’s computers are running slower than they were when they were new. Well, so am I. After a few years, everything slows down a bit. However, with a computer, you have some options to speed them back up. Many times these recommendations will work and then only sometimes well,…

Stop Computer Frustration

Your computer continues to start up slower than you remember it doing when you bought it.  You may have already run Disk Cleanup, Error-checking and Defragmentation but things still frustrate you about its operation.  Wouldn’t it be nice to have some "anti-frustration" software on your side? It may just be here now!  Soluto created by…