2015-09-21 Show Notes

No Podcast this week as WSVA is still working on the new system.  But a few interesting pieces of Tech info today.  Take a look at each one that interests you…maybe all of them. Tech News Computers ‘do not improve’ pupil results, says OECDThe think tank says frequent use of computers in schools is more…

Smartphone Info

Since I get many questions about Smartphones here are some interesting statistics which may answer some of your inquiries. The top five smartphone operating systems, according to comscore.com stack up like this. Android is number one with 52.0% of the market followed not very closely by Apple with 39.2%. Next were Blackberry, Microsoft with 5.1%…

Name That Tune

So the other day a couple of my coworkers and I went out to eat.  While we were eating a background song came on that they had never heard.  Of course, they were much younger than I am, so I figured they were not even a thought when the song came out sometime in the…

Thanks and some Tech

Last month I finally went to Dr. Shawn Lepley (many heartfelt thanks to you doc) about what I thought was asthma.  He sent me to RMH for a stress test and a few days later I went in to have four heart stents installed via two separate procedures.  Also, many thanks to Dr. Stewart Pollock…