Google Timeline

Hansel and Gretel

You know, we, just like you, are getting cabin-fever and ready to get out of the house. My wife, Robin, had a great idea the other night. She told me, “Hey, since we are getting five to six weeks to a full tank of gas so far, why don’t we go for a ride around…

Android Device Manager

At some point in time after "smart phones" hit the market people starting leaving them on buses, in taxis and had them stolen.  The Chief Information Officers website states that in August, 2013 that approximately 200 cell phones are left in New York City cabs every day.  That adds up to about 73,000 per year. …

Google Calendar Sync

After last week’s column about Google’s calendar I could not believe the number of emails I received.  The great majority of them were asking about tying that calendar to others, mainly Outlook for people who use Microsoft products in the office.  I wrote about this several years ago but the response deserves it again, along…

2011 Sites in Review, Part 2

As I stated last week, I annually provide links to all of the sites we have visited throughout the previous year at Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Ccleaner use this…

Save my Phone!

Before I get started today I guess I have to add a disclaimer. That would be I work full time for NTELOS in the wireless/mobile phone industry. So I would never encourage you to get a phone from us, the best place around but…oops. I have received this question many times through the years and…