2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

2021 Sites in Review, Part 2

Here is the second part of all the sites we visited last year. If you missed the first part, check it out here. Once again, if the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using my “ghtech.site” predecessor. They will be continuous characters after that lead without spaces and capitalization counts….

2017 Sites in Review, Part 2

  Today I will continue with the start of the 16th year of “Double Click” by providing more of last year’s links.  If the site addresses are too long for print, I have shortened them using the “bit.ly” app.  The links are preceded by “rd.dblclx.com” followed by various letters and numbers.  Copy them, then paste…

Web Page Saver and More

For years now I have not had enough time to read all of the interesting things I run into online.  And also, years ago, I wrote about a new app called Pocket (getpocket.com).  Pocket allows you to save webpages from your Chrome browser to view later.  To read them you return to the GetPocket.com site,…