Microsoft Recall

Microsoft Recall

I am sure you have heard of Microsoft’s recent feature named “Recall” in Windows 11. It was recently announced it will be arriving on some new Microsoft PCs. However, you must be using a Copilot+ branded PC, which is something only the very latest PCs have. So, your current computer will not have Recall…at this…

Google 2FA Phone Approval

Google Chrome’s New Password Manager and 2FA

Google’s new password manager is a free service that allows you to store, generate, and autofill your passwords across all of your devices. It is easy to use and very secure. The previous version they had until the last month or so was not all that secure. To use it, go to “chrome://password-manager/passwords” and sign in…

Google Authenticator App

2FA Security Revisited

In the past I have written about this as a “suggestion,” however as time moves on, I am escalating 2FA (Two-Factor Authentication, Multi-Factor Authentication, or even Passwordless Login) to the front burner or “required” for financial and other vital sites. There are too many people out there getting their login credentials stolen. Some lose money…

Remove Access

Google Devices

Scroll down past this very long graphic. It may be long, but interesting for you to take a look.  Security is a big deal on the web. With your bank, store sites, email, and yes, my favorite Google. If you’re like most people, you probably use Google for just about everything – from searching the…

Free Wifi

Practice Safe Public Wi-Fi

After last week’s article regarding “Steps Recorder,” someone asked if there is a way to get more immediate support from a friend or relative for problem resolution? The simple answer is, “Yes!” The more complicated answer is that there are as many ways to do this as Doan’s had pills in the 1940s. But last…

Phishing for Your Money

Be Tech Smart

I imagine if you are reading this you have been online before. Maybe you are right now. Also, you may have suffered at the hands of some scammer. You may not have been hacked, had your bank account taken over, lost any money, or anything major, but tricked…most likely. Remember Prince Abooboo from Gondwana that…