Windows 11, Part 1, Start Menu

Windows 11, Part 1, Start Menu

Ron shares their experience with Windows 11, noting the new Start Menu and taskbar layout. Users with Windows 10 can remain comfortable until October 14, 2025, when support ends. Detailed instructions on customizing the Start Menu’s pinned apps area are provided. The author seeks feedback on Windows 11 and potential interest in a podcast discussing tech topics.

Google Lens p3

Google Lens, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks, we have looked at Google Lens. Lens is a free app that does many things. To catch up on the first ones I wrote about, visit Part 1 or Part 2 as you feel led. Today I will start with one Lens feature that is not quite perfect. However,…

Google Lens, Part 2

Google Lens, Part 2

Last week, I mentioned a fantastic app call Google Lens. I talked about some basics and thought about doing a part two. From a few emails I got, I ran with it since it was pretty popular. So, here goes. If you want the basics from last week, read that column here. I have been…

What is That?

I stumbled across a very interesting application for my phone the other day.  I have often thought it would be neat to take a picture of something and get information on the subject. With the CamFind application, you can. Find it at  It retrieves information fairly accurately on many, but not all, things that…

Google Tricks, Part 3

For the last couple of weeks I have told you about some interesting Google tricks you can do, some helpful, others fun.  Your interest in emails has shown me that you would like a couple more of their tricks, so here we go.  Remember always start on the main page for these to work. …

Updating Your Apps

I know you are all running Windows Update on your PCs.  Well, let me back off a bit on that.  If you have Windows 7 or before you should be running it manually or setting it to run automatically.  Windows 8 on comes with the default for Windows Update to automatically run so you do…

My Favored Browser

Apparently there are a few of you getting new computers for Christmas.  (Do not let the kids read this if they do not know about it.)  I have received many questions about what to do to set them up.  I have several suggestions; however, one of the best I have written about before.  If you…

Smartphone Info

Since I get many questions about Smartphones here are some interesting statistics which may answer some of your inquiries. The top five smartphone operating systems, according to stack up like this. Android is number one with 52.0% of the market followed not very closely by Apple with 39.2%. Next were Blackberry, Microsoft with 5.1%…