Google Photos, Part 2

As a follow-up to the last time when we looked at Google Photos due to the number of emails I received, we will continue this week. We will look at a few more of them that may surprise you. First, how about grouping all of your friends and family by face. So if you need…

Google Photos, Part 1

OK, before some of you write me this week asking why I am pushing a Google product again let me head off your questions.  No, I do not own Google stock, I am not paid by them, I do not have any ties to the tech-giant, I have never received a kickback or even a…

Web Page Saver and More

For years now I have not had enough time to read all of the interesting things I run into online.  And also, years ago, I wrote about a new app called Pocket (  Pocket allows you to save webpages from your Chrome browser to view later.  To read them you return to the site,…