2012 Sites in Review, Part 2

As I stated last week, I annually provide links to all of the sites we have visited throughout the previous year at DoubleClicks.info. Remember, if the site addresses are too long to type I have shortened them with bit.ly.  Here they are in their order of appearance with short descriptions of each. Google Calendar –…

Backing Up

I have mentioned the importance of backing up your important electronic files before.  It really is important if you intend to use those files in the future.  Whether it is your previous tax returns, (done on your computer or the scanned version of your paper copies) emails or documents of any type you need to…


This Christmas season I hope you have seen some websites’ URLs that start with "https://" instead of "http://."  That is if you shop online, do banking online, etc.  Here is a short lesson on what they mean. The basic one, "http" stands for "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol" which is the main prefix for most websites. …

Join Me

Several weeks ago I was technologically surprised by a non-geek.  Over the phone, a good friend of mine and I were discussing a problem with his home PC.  For some strange reason he could not get a particular Microsoft Excel formula to work properly.  At work I use an application that must first be installed…

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OK, you look at the title above and your figure, "Ron has started writing drunk!"  But no, I have not started writing columns while I am drunk or on painkillers.  Previously I wrote about passwords and had several of you write me asking about coming up with letter/symbol substitutions.  If you look closely at the…