Android Apps, Part 3

For the last two weeks I wrote about some Android apps I use on my tablet and phone.  After the last one I received several emails asking what games I play on my Android devices.  Well, I am a modern business person and have no time for such absurdities.  OK, don’t tell my boss, but…

Android Apps, Part 2

Last week I wrote about some of the Android apps I use on my tablet and phone.  I asked you to let me know if you liked what you read.  If so, I would add to the list.  First, thanks for all the comments and second, here are the next ones in my list. Also,…

Android Tablet Apps

I always receive emails from Android users asking what apps I like to run on my phone and tablet.  I always have to insert when I mention phones that I work for NTELOS Wireless, so there you go. Anyway, I thought instead of writing each person individually for a while I would tell you all…

Windows 7 Thoughts

I have been written to by several of the "Double Click" readers as to why I have not mentioned Microsoft Windows 7 very often.  The answer is that there are about 50 bazillion other geeks out there, who have written about it relentlessly since it rolled out to the public in October, 2009.  I figured…