Facebook Messenger

A couple of years ago I wrote about Facebook. I have written about it several times over the years. In my reviews, I am not always complimentary. To me, it is a very unorganized mass of information. The posts are rearranged in some unknown manner that is only understood by the Facebook developers resulting in…

Meetings in Email

Before I start today’s topic I will answer emails I have received this from a couple of readers.  “Are you going to write about which computer I should purchase for Christmas?”  Sorry, but no for a couple of reasons. First, I stopped doing this several years ago because they always sounded the same.  Next, it…

Tunnels on the Internet

At a recent speaking engagement, I was talking to the group about security.  This discussion was centered on Virtual Private Networks or VPNs.  Since 1996 when a Microsoft employee created a secure tunneling system for computers, VPNs have been around.  It was not as we know a VPN today; however, it certainly set the process…


Nope, I am not referring to a car, a new superhero movie or a cheap wine.  I am however talking about one of the better applications out there.  It is cross platform meaning it is available for Linux, Windows and Mac computer operating systems. However, at this time it is not available for iPhones or…

Temporary Gmail Access

Rick emailed an interesting question about Gmail this week. His company uses Google’s product, “G Suite Business” for their email. With G Suite all email and cloud storage is handled by Google in the cloud. This can allow big savings in money, time and equipment for the company. I have used it before in the…

Chrome Extensions, Part 2

Last week I started a look at some of my favorite Chrome browser extensions.  We started with “Behind the Overlay.”  To learn how to install them check out last week’s column. Today we will start with one for your security.  We all keep reading about protecting your privacy while online and I agree that is…