
UPDATE: All is well with the DoubleClicks.info site now

Since you are reading this you realize that the site is now back online with new and improved “stuff” for you. First, if you haven’t already noticed, each article can now be read to you, since the first of 2018.  Click the small blue arrow under the title and Sally will read the article to…

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Texting from Your Computer

For a couple of years, I have been using a good Chrome Browser Add-on called Mighty Text, found at mightytext.net which allows texting from your computer. The big basic is that it allows you to hook it up to your phone and send text messages from your computer. This works on your Android device and…

Facebook Messenger

A couple of years ago I wrote about Facebook. I have written about it several times over the years. In my reviews, I am not always complimentary. To me, it is a very unorganized mass of information. The posts are rearranged in some unknown manner that is only understood by the Facebook developers resulting in…

2018-02-19 WSVA Show Notes & Podcast

  Welcome back to this month and thanks to the listeners/readers that caught my “2017” date error from last time… oops. Here is today’s podcast so if you could not listen this morning, enjoy!   The following are a few of the items we mentioned. Tech NewsFebruary 19, 2018 Report: Average business user must keep track of…

Meetings in Email

Before I start today’s topic I will answer emails I have received this from a couple of readers.  “Are you going to write about which computer I should purchase for Christmas?”  Sorry, but no for a couple of reasons. First, I stopped doing this several years ago because they always sounded the same.  Next, it…

Tunnels on the Internet

At a recent speaking engagement, I was talking to the group about security.  This discussion was centered on Virtual Private Networks or VPNs.  Since 1996 when a Microsoft employee created a secure tunneling system for computers, VPNs have been around.  It was not as we know a VPN today; however, it certainly set the process…