Browsing for Spies

Peter wrote this week with a suggestion about something he thought would be interesting and also helpful to others. I agreed. I also realized that I have not mentioned it in a few years but it has been around for years. However, many people never use it. Others use it because of what they think…

Interesting Question

Jenny recently wrote to me and asked an interesting question. She said she had searched to see how to best move her old Windows 7 computer to a new Windows 10 laptop. She went on to explain that she wanted to transfer passwords, bookmarks, etc. There are several things I understood from her question. One…

Windows 10 Tips, Part 7

I know that the last column I wrote said it was the end of the Windows 10 Tips series and I did not intend to lie. However, something I said last time caused a few emails that I thought I would mention here. Also, some new information on getting a copy of Windows 10 for…

Windows 10 Tips, Part 3

Thanks, for the encouraging emails about last week’s article on W10 Steps Recorder and Snipping Tool. Some of you even sent me some examples along with a question or two. I appreciate it, especially when I know how to help you out! Today we will look at something that may already be on your computer…

Useful Android Apps, Part 8

It appears as though today’s article will be the last of the “Useful Android Apps” series. Last week we looked at “Words with Friends,” “Scrabble,” “Boggle with Friends,” “WGH Solid Gold,” “WSVA-Q101-96.1” and the DNR phone app. Today I will mention one which Toby from Richmond recommended. It is one I have used for several…

Useful Android Apps, Part 4

Last week we looked at Android apps (most also available for iPhones) that help you with research, collecting information, podcasts, players and audiobook readers. Today a few more very useful apps but first a reference back to last week. I used the term “newb” (spelled N  E  W  B) last week and several people emailed…